Tortoise Wicker Table
Slow and Steady Wins the Race
Sipping iced tea while your young sprouts chase each other through the sprinkler. They are unaware of the amount of time they have on Earth, yet they live as if they have all the time in the world. Children see the world as it is. As we grow older we are burdened with the idea that time isn't infinite. It is easy to get caught up in the competitive rat race. Let's not forget that it's not the destination, rather it is the journey.
This wicker tortoise table is a nice reminder that sometimes we have to pace ourselves as we make our way toward the finish line. Along the way we can appreciate the small things like the smell of the hose water and the damp grass between our toes.
Would be a nice piece in a conversational room or patio.
28 in wide x 15 in deep x 19 in tall
Feel free to contact us by phone at 323-644-5590 or email us at