Cut It Out | Glass and Brass Chandelier by F. Fabbian in Italy

Glass and Brass Chandelier by F. Fabiann in Italy

In some cities, they actually have restaurants that serve food in total darkness. They say that the removal of vision enhances your taste buds which then increases your gastronomic enjoyment. Personally, trying to cut steak in the dark is a risk I'd rather not take.

This vintage glass and brass chandelier was crafted by F. Fabbian in Italy.

18 in wide x 18 in deep x 12 in tall


Nap Time | Italian Leather Club Chair

Italian Leather Club Chair

We need to bring back the art of  "resting your eyes", "taking a siesta", and "having a disco nap." What better day to start than today! 

This vintage club chair in full grain leather was handcrafted in Italy with a large tack detailing.

33 in wide x 36 in tall x 40 in deep


SOLD | Nice Things | Mid-Century Murano Chandelier

murano chandelier

You still remember the pair of Doc Martens you bought after receiving your first serving paycheck. You'll never forget how proud you felt as you slipped those clunky boots on your feet every morning. Though your style and career path has changed dramatically since then, you're still a firm believer in treating yourself to nice things. 

This mid-century Murano chandelier has a metal cage around the glass and a single bulb inside.

12 in wide x 12 in tall


Contact us today or call on 323-644-5590 to see if this item is still available. 

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