Lap of Luxury | Mid-century Brutalist Lotus Coffee Table

Mid-century Brutalist Lotus Coffee Table

If the idea of being hand-fed a bunch of grapes sounds appealing, you might be a goddess. Live in the lap of luxury you lucky lady, you.

This mid-century brutalist lotus coffee table attributed to Silas Seandell belongs in the decadent chamber of a Greek Goddess.

60 w x 30 d x 16 t


Nelumbo Nucifera | Lotus Flower Brass Pendant Light

Nelumbo nucifera is the scientific name of a lotus flower. Lotus flowers have been a divine symbol in Asian cultures for many years and represent the virtues of sexual purity and non-attachment. The beautiful flower floats above the muddy waters of attachment and desire. If only life were that easy. This lotus flower brass pendant light has a shaded lining.

24 in tall x 10 in wide


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